eList is a useful online list directory theme. If you want to start some list – say list of courses for a subject area with enough information on each topic – then this theme can be a very helpful one.
Some of the good features of the eLIst theme are:
Traditional List Structure: The theme lets you create a traditional directory structure, which is stylish and modern in its layout.
Custom Form Builder: In order to customize your own pages, you can create your own fields for the submission form.
Advertising Management: It comes along with the advertising banners of two sizes – 125×125 banner images in the sidebar and 468×60 in the post pages.
Paid Listings: You can charge for submissions – both, standard and featured listings.
All Elegant themes come with some of the best shortcode collection for WordPress themes on the web. These include:
- Various button styles
- Content boxes
- Toggle Content
- Tabbed Content
- Slideshows
- Password Protected Content
- Image Slider
- Author Information box
- Custom lists
- Pricing lists
- Dropcaps
- Quotes
What kind of sites can you create?
Some of the good examples of the kind of sites you can create with this theme are:
- Restaurants Lists
- Courses in a Subject Area
- Businesses listing
- Special Tools listings
eList Node Page
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