Drupal themes are tough to find which are good, responsive and with plenty of options. I looked through the themes which are Responsive, Good Looking and great for a Blog or a Magazine. Best is that these are all FREE! Here is the list.
Mundus Magazine by valic is one of the best magazine style responsive theme for Drupal out there. And, it is totally free!
- Views responsive styles (Grid, Table, Unformatted and HTML list)
- Built in node gallery (slider gallery) – no need for additional modules
- Modal box for login
- 8 predefined styles
- Social profiles / block
- Modal box for social block
- Orbit slideshow / slider
- Font icons
- Google fonts
- Readers choice block
- Foundation tables, block grid and grid support
- Very well documented (28 pages PDF)
- Videos how to setup theme, views, fonts, etc..

Nexus theme by saran.quardz. These theme is great for a blog or a news magazine. Here are some of its features:
- Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Theme
- Simple, Minimal and Clean Design
- 1-column and 2-columns layout
- Mobile support (Smartphone, Tablet, Android, iPhone, etc)
- Flex Image Slideshow with Caption (Customizable)
- Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual menu)
- HTML5 & super clean markup
- A total of 12 block regions
- Drupal standards compliant and Supported standard theme features
- Google Font and nice typography
- Ideal for business, company and portfolio sites
- Detailed CSS rules for Typography, Forms Elements, Node Teaser, Comments, etc.
Here is a screen Shot:

Gratis by highrockmedia is a great theme for blogs and blog magazine. It is clean, nicely done minimalistic theme which we like a lot and it has a lot of great features!
- Elegant, clean look / Nice UX
- Several color palette choices: Turquoise Blue, Cool Purple, Pumpkin Orange, Olive Green, Pomegranate Red, Seafoam Green, Green Gray
- Responsive touch friendly mobile menu
- Up to three columns for layout (2 sidebars and a content area)
- Modern clean typography
- Image Captions using HTML5’s figcaption
- Font Awesome and Google Fonts (OpenSans) Integration
- Semantic mobile layout, left and right sidebars go below content
- Customizable layout width in the theme settings UI, go as wide as you want! It’s all percentage based within the parent container. That’s one of the drawbacks of Bamboo and there were a lot of feature requests for this.
- Toggle Breadcrumbs on or off
- Default logo changes for each color palette
- Theme local.css or custom path CSS file for your own customizations.
- Pinch and Zoom for Touch friendly devices, turn on or off
- Drop down menus (for desktop)
- Built in main menu block or toggle off to use your own third party contrib menu system
- No base theme is required
- Tertiary Menus – future support is planned
- “Sticky Footer”

Mayumi by JohnNoc is a Responsive theme for Feminine or “Girlie” blogs with again, a great set of features which makes configuration a lot of fun.
- HTML 5
- Responsive design (mobile-first) with configurable breakpoints. Defaults to 768, 960 and 1152
- Typography using modular scale.
- Web accessibility optimized with ARIA roles
- Bulletproof flexible grid system with 24 columns (units) as default.
- Configurable grid
- Configurable number of columns in the grid
- Configurable gutter width
- Horizontal login block if placed in topbar region
- Comes with its own special font “Noceda Font Pro”, a light, elegant and open sans-serif font built in with 304 Gwikons (Groundwork icons)
- Supports both sidebars
- 17 regions with a special “Aside” region visible only in nodes.
- Optimized typography for all standard elements
- Block source ordering per region
- Powerful layout engine provides unlimited layout possibilities
- Collection of preset CSS classes
- LESS CSS enhanced with loads of Drupal-specific mixins and bundles.
- HTML5 polyfill to support older browsers
- and many more.

Media Responsive Theme by shanidkv is a great theme for a Business related site. It is light weight with a clean layout.
- Media responsive theme
- HTML5 & super clean markup
- Social link
- Fixed Width
- 1-column, 2-columns and 3-columns layout
- Implementation of nivo slider
- Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual menu)
- A total of 25 regions
- Drupal standards compliant
- Custom front-page with 11 block regions
- Minimal design and nice typography
- Supported standard theme features: site logo, site name, site, user pictures in comments, user pictures in nodes

Fontfolio by israelshmueli is a great responsive theme for portfolio types of sites for photographers, artists and designers.
- Clean, grid based, 2 column theme
- Responsive (from version 7.2 )
- Easy setup for Multilingual websites:
- Links to frontpages in all Enabled languages will displayed at the end of main menu and will get slightly different styles.
- Full RTL support
- Views support. You can apply FontFolio default grid style, thrugh Views UI, to any view that use “Unformatted list” format.
- Theme settings options:
- Social networks Icons. Theme settings contain optional URL filed for each of enclosed Icons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Dribble).
- Checkbox to Hide or display Page Titles on taxonomy term (category) pages

Malinis by JohnNoc is a nice responsive theme with modular scale typography, powerful grid-based layout engine and clean design. It is a sub-theme of Groundwork 2.x.
- HTML 5
- Responsive design (mobile-first) with configurable breakpoints. Defaults to 768, 960 and 1152
- Typography using modular scale.
- Web accessibility optimized with ARIA roles
- Bulletproof flexible grid system with 24 columns (units) as default.
- Configurable grid
- Configurable number of columns in the grid
- Configurable gutter width
- Comes with its own special font “Noceda Font Pro”, a light, elegant and open sans-serif font built in with 304 Gwikons (Groundwork icons)
- Supports both sidebars
- 17 regions with a special “Aside” region visible only in nodes.
- Optimized typography for all standard elements
- Block source ordering per region
- Powerful layout engine provides unlimited layout possibilities
- Collection of preset CSS classes
- LESS CSS enhanced with loads of Drupal-specific mixins and bundles.
- HTML5 polyfill to support older browsers
- and many more.

Featured Image – photo credit: xamanu via photopin cc
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