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Tag: Social media

Interesting Insights

How Budweiser uses Social Media to Improve its results

Many companies use social media – facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.  But very few actually generate enough ROI to warrant all the effort and investment.  Anheuser-Busch has used it well for its Budweiser campaign.  Here is a very interesting video on how Budweiser used Social Media for its growth.

featured Image Credit: photo credit: Mark J P via photopin cc

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Interesting Insights

Lion King, first Broadway show to gross over $1 billion: 5 Lessons for Bloggers!

The Lion King has become the first $1 billion Broadway show in history.  That’s quite a bit of success for the show and its makers.  It’s not as if there weren’t any shows as good as...


Share your Blogger blog posts automatically on Google plus

Now as soon as you publish a blogger post, it automatically shows up on Google+.  This helps in creating a conversation with your circle of friends. Here is the information from Google’s own blog....

Interesting Insights

Teenage Girls indulging in Sexual Submission to Boys on Social Media: Vanity Fair

In one of the most scary article on Social media in Vanity Fair recently, Nancy Jo discusses the impact of Social media on the teenage girls today. This year, 81 percent of Internet-using teenagers in...