Drupal’s next major release is the version 8.x. As in the earlier versions, some of the contributed modules will be brought into the core code of Drupal, some will be changed and some deprecated. As the ramp up occurs for the new version, it would be interesting to know for Drupal developers as to which of the old modules are being brought into the core, which are changed and which deprecated. Here is a list of all these:
Modules brought into core
- Breakpoint
- CacheTags
- Content Translation
- Email (simple field, HTML5 validation only)
- Entity API
- Entity Reference
- Entity view modes
- File Entity
- Link (simple field, HTML5 validation only)
- Phone (simple field, HTML5 validation only)
- Picture
- Transliteration
- Views
- RESTWS (Renamed to REST module, but works pretty much the same)
- CKEditor
- CTools
- Date (all except recurring dates)
- Display Suite (view modes)
- Internationalization
- Migrate
- Views Bulk Operations
- Blog (moved to contrib)
- Dashboard (moved to contrib as Homebox)
- Open ID
- Poll (moved to contrib)
- PHP Filter (moved to contrib)
- Profile (Use Profile2 now)
- Trigger (use Rules now)
- Translation (replaced by Entity Translation)
Modules fundamentally changed by Drupal 8:
Deprecated (you won’t need these anymore)
- Admin
- Admin Views
- Administration Language
- Bean
- Boxes
- Caption Filter
- Computed Field
- Ctools exportables
- Fallback Language Negotiation
- Field Hidden
- Fieldable Panels Panes
- Float Filter
- Hidden Field Widgets
- History
- Localization update
- Localizated Drupal Distribution
- Menu Block
- Menu Trails
- Module Filter
- Node Reference
- Placeholder
- Profile2
- Services
- String overrides
- Strongarm
- Token
- Transliteration
- User Picture Field
- User Reference
- Vertical Tabs
- Wysiwyg * (the module and everything related to it)
Reduced (these will have less work to do)
- Backup and Migrate
- Context
- Custom Breadcrumbs
- Features
- Feeds
- Menu Breadcrumb
- Service Links
- Rules
- Views * (every module related to views)
- Webform (fieldable forms are now core)
- Webform Validation (because HTML5)
Featured Image: Flickr/Albert Skibinski
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